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Our four-day Three’s program consolidates and builds upon experiences gained in our Two’s class. The focus is on play and learning to be a learner through hands-on exploration and discovery. Activities encourage social interactions, independence, language and literacy skills, small and large motor development, early mathematical concepts, decision making and problem solving.

Our project approach to the curriculum allows children to take an active part in planning their own learning and provides a dynamic, ever-changing framework for our school year.

A Typical Day in the Threes Classroom

9:30 – 9:40amDrop off at the bottom of the driveway
9:40 – 10:15amOutdoor Play
10:15 – 10:35amSnack and Conversation
10:35 – 11:00amMorning Meeting, Music and Movement, Literature
11:00 – 11:50amFree Play, Learning Centers, and Project Work
11:50am – 12:00pmCircle Time, Songs and Stories
12:00pmDismissal, Parents pick up in the classroom

The Latest Threes News

NAEYC Accreditation

2018-19 is our first full school year of operating with NAEYC Accreditation, an important stamp of approval earned by less

Outside Every Day

“First the snow pants… then the snow boots… then the jacket… then the hat.  And, then last we put on