We provide young children with an environment in which they learn from each other with developmentally appropriate materials, equipment and activities in a social setting. At CCNS our teachers strive to stimulate each child’s curiosity, to develop positive social skills and to encourage creative and emotional expression.
It has been said that play is the work of the child. At nursery school, the children build homes, planes, boats, trains and other things with a wide variety of materials. With these structures they dramatize not only what they know, but also what they feel. In the family-life play area, dramatic play takes the form of serving up meals for friends in the play kitchen, talking on the telephone, or walking baby dolls in the stroller.
This kind of group and individual play, enriched with appropriate materials, lets children re-enact their experience, their emotions, their confusions and their amusement with the world they live in. Children need to have easy access to a variety of creative materials -paint, wood, clay, water, sand, etc. At CCNS, these materials are readily available.

Twos Program
Our class for two-year olds offers a supportive, nurturing and positive space for a gentle introduction to education in a group experience. Our classroom provides a safe and stimulating environment in which children explore new materials, exercise their independence and develop new skills. We offer drop-off classes one, two or three mornings a week.

Threes Program
This four-mornings-a-week program focuses on learning to ask questions, seek answers and solve problems independently and collaboratively. Math and science, music and art, social studies and motor skills are seamlessly integrated with the important ‘work’ of play to give the Three’s a stimulating and engaging environment geared towards this special age.

Fours Program
Our Fours gain important skills, critical thinking ability and confidence that prepare them for kindergarten. This class continues supporting their social, emotional, physical and intellectual growth. Children learn new concepts, work on problem-solving, practice social skills while developing literacy and math skills. The class meets five mornings a week with two extended days.
Classroom Enrichment Activities
As is developmentally appropriate, visitors offer additional enrichment to the classroom and have included the Darien Nature Center, Norwalk Art Space, the Rowayton Fire Department, Creative Dramatics and Storytelling, yoga, collaborative art projects with local artists, music class about instruments from around the world, and storytelling by children’s authors.
Extended Day Enrichment
We are pleased to offer optional enrichment classes Monday-Thursday for our threes and fours students. Each session of enrichment offers experiences that complement the student’s in-class learning.
Enrichment classes are held from 12 noon-1:30 p.m. each day and include a time for lunch. Subject matter varies with each session, but includes subjects like movement and exercise, science and nature, music and drama, story time and literacy, cooking and baking, Spanish, and more.
Sign up is available on a quarterly basis. Click here to view our current offerings.

Interested in scheduling a tour?
Please contact the CCNS Administrative Director:
Mary Nevin Gauthier